
Don't Ask Don't Tell Deception

Monday, July 25, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Liberalism is an ideology that uses deception and manipulation to change societies into statist systems of government control. They know that the people would never accept their madness, so the strategy is to forcefully engineer society without the people realizing, meaning that they create these changes through stealth methods.

The liberal strategy is to promise one thing, while delivering another. They must never allow themselves to appear socialist, even though their platforms are indeed socialist in nature. They deliver their agenda slowly, making sure the people do not discover the exact nature of the game they are playing. Liberals proclaim they do it for democracy, well knowing that true democracy leads to socialism.

The social engineering is designed to gain voting blocks, while destroying morality, and religious faith.

After all, Marxist-type systems demand that government be the highest faith, and so anything that opposes their statism must be eliminated.

Despite all of the deception, however, the underhanded deception of the liberal left always eventually surfaces.

A government document has recently surfaced from the U.S. military’s top investigative office, revealing that a Pentagon survey that played an important part to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal was engineered months prior to its release, and deliberately skewed in later media leaks, to sway Congress towards repeal despite opposition from combat troops.

The meetings regarding the these surveys almost six months before the survey’s official end, was to obtain “suggestions for persuasive writing” in addition to syntax and sentence structure, according to investigators.

Evidence of tampering emerged while investigators were investigating a source who breached non-disclosure agreements by leaking survey results to the media weeks before its release. Investigators concluded that, in addition to violating protocol, the source was “not a ‘disinterested party’” and deliberately skewed the information to favor a repeal of DADT.

“[E]vidence showed the source carefully disclosed specific survey data to support a pro-repeal agenda ... to gain momentum in support of a legislative change during the ‘lame duck’ session of Congress,” write the authors.

Investigators even say the source, who had access to the near-final survey draft, acted in spite of presumed opposition from military servicemen themselves.

Another example of deception includes that over twelve times as many Marine combat troops said repeal would impact unit readiness negatively as those who responded positively, while Army combat troops were six times more likely to be negative than positive.

The skewed representation, however, said otherwise, and became a sturdy talking point for both media and policymakers.

Of course, the liberal media won't be reporting this.

As we have said here time and time again, liberals lie, deceive, and cheat. Their surveys, polls, and even government numbers under Democrat leadership, cannot be trusted.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

LEAKED: U.S. defense officials deliberately skewed survey results to sway ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal - Life Site News


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