
After Downgrade, Dow Plunges 634

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

When trying to explain why Americas's credit rating was downgraded by S&P, Los Angeles radio host Bill Carroll used the following analogy:

"A couple is in the bank for a loan, and in the earshot of the loan officer begins to argue over their debt. One of the spouses says 'maybe we should just default, and not pay some of our debts!'"

His thoughts were that the downgrade was because of the long, drawn out fight in the Congress over the budget bill.

Bill's argument is one used by the Democrats, and the liberal media, and the argument uses the wrong premise. . . on purpose. The thing is, the GOP never said that they want the country to default, or that they are willing to allow the country to not pay its bills - because the GOP knows that the default crisis was one made up by the Democrats. There was no danger of default. Think about it. All the country would need to do is prioritize spending. No increase in debt limit would mean that possibly some less important projects would not continue to be funded. That's all.

The Democrats were desperately trying to make the situation look like a major crisis because they don't want to lose their ability to spend at will, nor do they want to give in to the GOP in any way, shape, or form.

The stock market plunge, however, is exactly what Obama wanted - because he wants to try to find a way to blame anyone but himself, and because he wants the destruction of the American economy.

S&P's message of a downgraded credit rating was a simple message to Washington: Get your spending under control. . . the Democrats, unable to admit they are idiots, are now accusing the S&P of screwing up their math.

This is what happens to a nation when liberal policies are allowed to be in control

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Dow plunges more than 634 points after downgrade - Yahoo Finance


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