
Buyers' Lament Comes Home

Thursday, August 11, 2011
by JASmius

Nothing hurts as much as when you contemplate what might have been:

Some angry Democrats are wondering whether they shouldn’t have tapped Hillary Clinton instead of Barack Obama to be president so the country would have the bold, take-charge kind of leader it desperately needs....

Say the same Democrats who dumped Hillary for being too milquetoast and triangulative compared to the bold idealism of Hopenchange.


The dissatisfaction has seeped out beyond the cadre of liberal activists long disappointed with what they see as President Obama’s tepid response to tea party challenges in the House and now has reached the rank and file.

Party stalwarts are calling for Obama to drop the Mr. Cool, adult-in-the room persona and push for aggressive programs to generate jobs even if they have no chance of getting through Congress.

"Tepid response"? The most bellicose, contemptuous, vicously partisan Donk White House in American history is now "tepid"? Remember "get to the back of the bus"? "The people who made this mess should just shut up"? All the "slurpee" and "car in the ditch" sneers? How about pissing in Paul Ryan's face while he was sitting in the front row back in April after Ryan unveiled The Path (Back) To Prosperity?

Sounds to me like they want Hugo Chavez and/or Fidel Castro a lot more than Harry Truman.

“The president has shown himself unwilling to just dig in on a position,” Dee Dee Myers, Bill Clinton’s White House press secretary, told the Post. “He’s for jobs. I’ve heard him say that. He’s for being the grown-up in the room. But beyond that, I’m not actually sure what his bottom line is.”

Really, Dee Dee? His FY 2012 budget back in February with the undiminished trillion dollar a year, debt-doubling-in-a-decade deficits represented....what, in your eyes? Waffling? Vacillation? Just what would it take to trigger your perception of his ideological resolution?

Neera Tanden, a former Obama and Clinton administration official who now is with the liberal Center for American Progress, advocates turning the tables on the House GOP.

“He can take his ideas to the Republicans and use the House Republicans’ intransigence on his ideas as a foil. And by having a fight on jobs, he will communicate to the American people that he understands their challenges and he’s on their side,” Tanden told the Post.

Democratic strategist Peter Fenn put it bluntly, telling the Post that Obama has “got to be a lot less keep-it-cool Calvin Coolidge and a lot more give-’em-hell Harry Truman. There has got to be a willingness to get tough with the Republicans, especially the tea party wing’

Dude, unpopular presidents presiding over moribund economies that their own loudly proclaimed utopian policies have demolished don't get to be give-'em-hell Harry Trumans. You talk as if the Tea Party movement beamed in from some alternative, dystopian dimension instead of arising spontaneously from the American grassroots. The Tea Party is the mirror opposite of what you people have always claimed as your monopoly: a real, gen-u-ine popular front. That's why TPers so infernally frustrate you. They not only infringe upon your gimmick, not only take it out of the darkness and into the light, but they do it better than you ever did because it's real, not violent, mob-driven, stage-managed phoniness. Sheesh, haven't you learned anything from your wildly successful [hyuk] attempts to re-conquer Wisconsin?

And, come now, do you really believe that President Spock throwing even angrier temper tantrums doubling down on the same discredited policy nonsense that got us into this fiscal/economic sinkhole is going to impress anybody outside the fever swamps? Mein Gott, you people remind me of Ron Paul supporters, fringe weirdos who get off far more on dying a thousand noble, heroic deaths in a thousand Alamo-esque ideological last stands than in actually winning elections.

Almost as if you know 2012 is already a lost cause.

However, some believe that Harry Truman just isn’t in the president’s DNA, and they look back wistfully at 2008 and what might have been.

"He is a do-gooder at heart," Morris Reid, a Washington consultant and former Clinton official told
the Telegraph in London. "He thinks everyone has the same agenda to do the right thing, but other people don't have the same agenda. Their agenda is to score points and get their party re-elected.

Oh, yes, of course, Barack Obama is in deep doo-doo because he's just too gosh darn nice, too virtuous, too idealistic to survive against those bloodthirsty Tea Party Visigoths. Golly gee whiz, why didn't we think of that?

And now, the pièce de résistance of this whiny gibber stew:

North Carolina Democratic strategist Gary Pearce told the Telegraph, "Democrats are worried. He looks weak, he doesn't say anything that grabs you, and people are looking for some kind of magic."

Gary, he's saying the exact same things he's always said, in the exact same way that "grabbed" you people in the first place. The problem is that everything he said then, and everything he says now, is pure, unadulterated, 100% grade-A, bull-moose-gold-medal-winning bullbleep. His policies are a complete, unmitigated disaster. The secret that all that hand-waving Hopenchange "magic" concealed so tragically well is now out, and there ain't no way to get that mephostopholean genie back in the bottle. And you people can't cope with the reality that another generation of Americans have learned the hard way that your party and its abominable philosophy is despicable, destructive fraud, so now you're flailing about frantically for some kind of miracle.

You've discovered, too late, what the rest of us knew all along: your "god" has clay feet after all.

Guess it sucks to be you, doesn't it?

[cross posted at Hard Starboard]


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