
A Crash, A Bash & A Hash

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
by JASmius

The crash? The Dow is skydiving again in early trading. But there's still plenty of time left to see whether it hits bottom before the closing bell (like the Duke Brothers in Trading Places).

Besides, I'm kinda getting bored with the daily rollercoaster when I know that it's going to be sailing into the cold, crisp Wall Street air at the end of the track anyway. Let's move on to the bash, where the Architect takes his turn in the Whack-The-Barry-Mole cage:

Former presidential adviser Karl Rove says President Barack Obama displayed arrogance in the debt-reduction negotiations and his response to S&P’s downgrade of America’s credit rating shows he is “disconnected” from the fundamentals of the nation’s fiscal crisis. Rove also told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Tuesday Obama in recent months has wiped out his image as a strong leader.

I think the debt negotiations and the downgrade and the president’s involvement in the former and his response to the latter show three things: They show first of all, the president is at times arrogant and disconnected,” Rove said. “Second of all, that he really is somebody who, while he can say the words, can’t do the words. That is to say, he can talk about the need to have a plan — and then not produce a plan.”

Otherwise known as "leading from behind". Or "leading out of his behind". Or something like that. Six of one, as they say.

My only questions for Rove would have been (1) "At times???" and (2) when did this Marxist-Alinskyist greenhorn EVER have an image as a "strong leader"?

But the interview wasn't all red meat & hot sauce, as "the brains behind the Bolian" closed on a cautionary note:

But look, this is exactly what they are going to do — it is the only way that they can win,” he said. “And I hate to say it that conceivably, if we have a weak candidate with a weak response to this kind of thing, they could conceivably win,” he said.

You want a reason to be nervous about intractible GOP dynasticism? Chew that one over and then try to sleep nights. I double-dog dare ya.

And, finally, the hash - with a dash of jumbalaya and cajun spice:

Former Clinton adviser and TV pundit James Carville predicts that 2012 may see a strong three-way race for president – and one of the most “tumultuous” elections in US history.

For sheer unpredictability, the 2012 campaign may top them all, says James Carville.

This is going to be the most tumultuous thing you can imagine,’’ Carville said in an interview Tuesday with the
Los Angeles Times. “I wouldn’t be surprised if anything happens.’’

The presidential race is ripe for a third-party entrant, Carville said. “Damn right.’’ And he is anticipating major turnover in Congress.

Look at the volatility out there!’’

Serpenthead is so adorable when he tries to be relevant, isn't he?

[cross-posted at Hard Starboard]


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