
Evolution: When Science Uses No Reason

Monday, September 19, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

With the realization by the public that the concept of man-made global warming is a myth perpetuated by liberal lunatics determined to push their socialistic control over the people through the hysteria of false environmental teachings, the world of science has come under special scrutiny. As scientists bail from the deception of Climate Change, other so-called truths of science are also under fire.

Evolution, however, has been under the microscope for a while, and honestly, it still amazes me that there are still so many gullible people out there that still believes the lies perpetuated by this theory.

Some of the basic concepts of evolution are true enough. Of course certain species find themselves becoming nothing more than footnotes of history when they are too weak to compete in the fight for survival. Of course there are minor changes in a species that may or may not contribute to the species' ability to survive. Sure, I am even convinced that today's human may not look exactly the same as back however many thousands of years ago that humanity first walked the Earth. Due to the demands of survival, the humans of those days were probably more muscular, and may even have had less brain mass. But to believe that humans evolved from another species, or that all of this we see in the universe occurred because of some magical chance of something forming out of nothing, is pure fantasy.

That is why evolution is merely a theory. Most aspects of the belief are greatly flawed. Evolution even defies the basic rule of biology that "like produces like" when the theory suggests that the forms of life on this planet all evolved from a single original organism.

Evolution, however, is very important to collectivist belief systems, like liberalism, so despite the lack of evidence and the incredible number of faults that exist in the theory, those who support the idea of evolution label anyone that disagrees with them as ignorant, or uninformed.

Like with man-made global warming, even with the lack of solid evidence, and the presence of shaky propositions, the secularists have determined that evolution is not a theory, nor is it a guess. They have come to the conclusion that the established theory is incontrovertible fact.

According to the Socialist Worker's Party's book, "Evolution of Man," the purpose of evolution is not about seeking the truth regarding the origin of man, but to be closely allied with modern socialism so as to help workers become socialists.

John Huxley wrote, "Darwin pointed out that no supernatural designer was needed since natural selection could account for any known form of life. There is no room for a supernatural agency in its evolution."

If God can be discarded, and no longer be the "controller" of the universe, it opens up the opportunity for man to strive for the singularity, where humans evolve to a point that they are god-like. Eliminating God also sets aside any competition with government. If there is no God, then government can slip into place as the giver and taker away of rights.

The competing theories regarding the origin of humanity battle not just for scientific supremacy, but for political supremacy as well. Creationism dictates that we are individuals, created by a designer using special processes no longer operative today. Evolution claims that species change over time, to the point that large differences even occur. The theory also claims that all living things came from a single source that rose itself ultimately from a dead and formless universe.

According to Creationists, the two Laws of Thermodynamics disprove evolution.

The First Law of Thermodynamics states: The total amount of energy remains constant. Energy is not being created anywhere in the universe, it is only being changed.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states: Energy is changing through decay. Energy becomes less available for further work.

If energy is not created through processes, then it could not have begun on its own. If energy changes through decay, then the universe would already be dead without a designer involved.

The real kicker, however, is that if according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics the real law of change is that things decay rather than grow, the laws of Thermodynamics sharply conflict with the philosophy of evolution.

The evolutionists contend that the first cause of life was chance, where amino acids through random chance formed, and then combined into chains to form protein, which by chance formed the right combinations for life.

The fossil evidence doesn't support evolution, either.

The formation of fossils is a slow process, we are told, where a slow accumulation of dust covers a carcass, and after a long period of time the animal fossilizes. The problem is, an animal decaying under the ravages of the elements, other animals, and bacteria leaves little but badly decayed bone in a very short time. The longer the animal is exposed to the elements, the less there is to fossilize. Contrary to reality, the scientists are telling us that it takes millions of years for dust, mud, or debris to cover an animal, and somehow the fossilization has produced fossils that are found nearly fully intact. Fossilized worms have been found still covered by skin, and wrinkles. Clams have been found with their muscles intact.

In the sea, fish decay is fast, where the bones disconnect in less than a week. Yet, there is not only a presence of fish fossils, but the skeletons are sometimes mostly intact.

The complete skeletal fossil records on both land and sea animals implies that these animals did not lie very long exposed to the elements. The implication is that there was a sudden deposition of debris over these animals, and then a rapid chemical change.

The evolutionists have been searching for theories to explain the problem they have regarding this aspect of fossil evidence, but have come up with nothing. Creationists, however, who believe in a sudden worldwide flood, recognize that such an event would suddenly and quickly deposit large amounts of mud and dirt on dead animals, both on the land and in the sea.

The fossil evidence also fails to reveal any intermediate fossils between lower and higher forms of life. Evolutionists teach that there was a step-by-step development, so the deeper the evolutionist digs, there should be intermediate forms of life that connect the lower and the higher forms of life.

The problem for the evolutionists is that the fossil record shows a sudden appearance of life of high and low forms at the lowest strata with no evidence of intermediate life forms. The first identifiable life is found as fossil evidence in the Cambrian layer of rock. No known fossil evidence exists in the two layers underneath. Billions of fossils have been found in the Cambrian layer, and they are all of a complex nature, with no intermediate fossils found.

The sudden appearance of the major groups of animals in fantastic diversity lends to the likelihood that life did not evolve, but that it was instantly created.

In fact, contrary to evolutionary theories, often fossils are not found in approved order. In other words, old strata sometimes is found resting on top of young strata. The older layers are supposed to be on the bottom, and newer layers on top, but often they are not.

Even the assumptions made in dating fossils is wrong. Carbon dating, in tests, have come to the conclusion that live mussels had been dead for 10,000 years. The tuatara lizard fossil record showed the animal once lived 135 million years ago, but no fossil record had been found after that period, so the assumption was that the lizard was extinct, and none of them had walked the Earth over the last 135 million years. Imagine their surprise when a tuatara lizard was found alive on some islands near New Zealand.

The fossil record's inability to explain the basic belief of evolution that simple life evolved into complex life creates major problems for the theory. After 120 years of Darwinism, with the rise of technology, and with the realization that many fossil records were wrong, the evolutionists have less examples of evolutionary transition than when Darwin was alive. Many of the transition theories, in fact, have even been completely discarded.

The theory that the changes sometimes occurred by mutation as a part of the cause of transitional forms of life also falls flat, when current evidence shows that ninety-nine percent of mutations produce inferior creatures. Also, the fossil records have produced no fossil remains of known mutations.

Evolutionists theorize that it is impossible for man and the dinosaur to have been on the Earth at the same time. Yet, fossil evidence at the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas has a limestone layer containing human footprints side by side with dinosaur footprints. Is it possible man co-habitated with dinosaurs on the Earth at the same time? And if so, would that mean the evolutionists are in error when they indicate that the dinosaurs went extinct 60 million years ago?

Other scientists have also come across the problem of proving men and dinosaurs did not exist on Earth at the same time. They have found human footprints in rock layers below strata containing the footprints of the dinosaur.

The sequence of evolutionary theory, and the reality of fossil records, also doesn't jive. In other words, for evolution to work, hunted animals and predators would have needed to evolve precisely at the same time. If the hunted evolved first, without a natural predator, the hunted would overpopulate the area, and the fossil record would reveal such. If the hunter evolved first before its food supply evolved, the species would have died out due to hunger. When man has introduced animals into environments where there is no hunter, the animal overtakes the environment and becomes a problem. The balance of nature requires that the hunted and the hunter appear at the same time, as would have happened in the case of Creationism.

Humans are theorized by evolutionists to have evolved from a lower form, as well. To prove this, "missing links" need to be found of early men who are less evolved than later men.

The Zinjanthropus Man turned out to be not nearly as old as originally theorized, The Nebraska Man that was created completely out of a tooth turned out to be a pig, The Piltdown Man was a fossilized jaw which turned out to be the jawbone of a modern ape that had been filed down and stained to look older (a deliberate hoax), and the Neanderthal Man turned out to be fully man.

No links between ape and man have been found. All of the real evidence reveals that man was true man right from the start.

Like the need for hunters and the hunted to have evolved at the same time, the same goes for the sexes. Both sexes are necessary to continue the propagation of the species, so males and females in all animal species needed to evolve precisely at the same time, or else reproduction would not have been possible. Once again, creation would have ensured that both sexes appeared simultaneously.

Even the age of the Earth, the universe, and everything else the evolutionists throws around, is suspect. Evolutionists theorize that the Earth is quite young - it is only 4.5 billion years old. Creationists, using science, have determined that the Earth can't possibly be older than 10,000 years, which is closer in line with Biblical evidence that man has been on the Earth about 6,000 years.

The evidence includes:

The Earth's magnetic field is slowly decaying. Since the Earth's magnetic field is decaying, if one was to take the rate of decay and extrapolate the data back into the past, the Earth could not survive a magnetic field and the heat it would produce much older than 10,000 years ago, which leads the scientists to believe the Earth could not possibly be older than 10,000 years.

Oil seeps into the oceans at about 5 million tons per year. The estimation by those that believe the oil supply is finite is that offshore oil is at about 100 billion tons. If the oil is 50 million years old as we are told, all of the oil would have seeped out into the oceans over 2,500 times during the last 50 million years. It would only take 20,000 years to deplete the entire quantity of offshore oil, so based on seepage, the Earth is less than 10,000 years old.

As plant and animal life dies and decays, helium is released into the atmosphere. Estimating by the rate of addition of helium to the atmosphere from radioactive decay, the Earth appears to be about 10,000 years old - and that is taking into account the possibility of moderate helium escape to the space above the atmosphere.

Evolutionists have continually stated that they believe humans to have been on Earth, and to be evolving, for a couple million years. They theorize that humanity finished evolving, for the most part, about one million years ago. The population growth over that time period has brought us to the current population of about seven billion (a number that was about four billion only three decades ago). The problem is, an increase in population of about 2% a year would become seven billion in less than 2,000 years. Half of one percent growth would increase the world population to about four billion (close to what the population was in 1984) in about 4,000 years - biblical scholars theorize that the great flood, which wiped out the world population and left the repopulation of the planet to Noah and his family, occurred between 4,000 and 6,000 years ago.

If the Earth was millions, or billions, of years old as some scientists theorize, the present rate of meteoritic dust would have covered the Earth with a layer an eighth of an inch in a million years. That layer would be 54 feet thick in 5 billion years.

The sun has been contracting in size by about 0.1% per century. This shrinkage is continuous, and the rate is believed to have remained constant. Using the current rate of shrinkage, it is believed the sun then would be twice as big as it is only 100,000 years ago. 20 million years ago the sun would touch the Earth because it would have been so large. The sun was still appropriate for life about 10,000 years ago. The farther back you go, the less likely life could survive.

When we landed on the moon, it was assumed that the collection of meteoritic dust on the moon would be so think that they devised disc shaped feet on the landing device to keep it from sinking in this dust when it landed. R.A. Lyttleton came up with the theory, suggesting that considering the theorized age of the moon, a layer of about 28 miles in depth had formed. Yet, when the lunar lander touched down, the dust layer was measured to be between an eighth of an inch and three inches in thickness. Using Professor Lyttleton's theoretical calculations, the thickness of the layer of dust would suggest the moon to be less than 10,000 years old.

Symbiotic relationships among species also poses a problem for evolutionists, for since the animals need each other to survive, the evolution of both species would have to occur precisely at the same time.

The political motivation to push evolution, regardless of the evidence against it, is clear. As Clair Chambers in his book on Humanism stated, "Before man can be enslaved, his state of mind must be reduced from spirituality to carnality. He must learn to think of himself as basically an animal with no spiritual purpose. Once man is freed from his obligations to God, the way is cleared for his ultimate obedience to the Communist State as his master."

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming - Fox News

A. Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand, Tucson: Publius Press, 1985.

The Day the Dinosaurs Died, Plain Truth, January 1970.

The Evolution of Man, Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Company, 1905.

Henry N. Morris, Circular Reasoning in Evolutionary Geology, ICR Impact Series, June 1977.

Henry N. Morris, Evolution and the Population Problem, Impact No. 21.

Henry N. Morris, The Remarkable Birth of the Planet Earth, Minneapolis: Dimension Books, 1972.

John C. Whitcomb, Jr. and Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1961.

Max Blumer, Submarine Seeps, Are They a Major Source of Open Ocean Oil Pollution?, Science, Vol. 176

Russell Akridge, The Sun is Shrinking, Impact #82, April 1980.

T. G. Barnes, Origin and Destiny of the Earth's Magnetic Field, San Diego: Institute for Creation Research, 1973.


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