
Flash Mob Violence in America Heading West

Sunday, September 18, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

The flash mobs of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and St. Paul, as well as various other eastern locations, have rocked the American conscience. How could this happen in America? What kind of mentality causes this kind of violence to erupt among the youth like this?

One of the most publicized east coast scenes of flash mob violence was the Manhattan Dunkin' Donuts flash mob where angry youths destroyed the store and grabbed drinks from the cooler before fleeing the scene. This one had followed the Milwaukee Mayfair Mall flash mob attack in January, the mob that attacked a Dupont Circle store in Washington DC in April, and the flashmob that ransacked a Las Vegas convenience store in early May - the Las Vegas occurrence being the only western state flash mob violence of significance up to that point.

A flash mob invaded Philadelphia's Macy's in 2010, numerous flash mobs infested the streets of Chicago earlier this summer, and in St. Paul Minnesota last February 50 teenagers swarmed a busy convenient store causing confusion and panic among the store’s employees. They stole anything they could get their hands on, food, candy, soda, juice.

Now a mob of blacks or Hispanics have attacked four white men in Denver, showing us that the violence is moving west.

One must ask, "Why the rage?"

Like anything the liberal minded ignorant fools sink their teeth into, flash mobs have an innocent beginning. Early in the last decade a flash mob was an act of performance art where using the social networks groups would organize silly events like a coordinated dance at a train station, impromptu pillow fights, a massive water balloon war, or even a giant snowball fight in Washington DC.

These flash mobs have evolved into something dangerous, and insidious. These new flash mobs are aggressive and violent, where a mass of young people converge upon a location and overrun it as they steal, or destroy private property, or bully and assault anybody that gets in the way.

Law enforcement is working on stepping up their response to these incidents, while holding the parents of the minors responsible for their kid's actions, and enforcing curfews.

Like the old saying about one bad apple making the entire barrel rotten, the small group of people that are doing this has caught America's attention for the worse - but for some reason we are not disciplined enough to do something about it. Even more disturbing is that when people decide to take precautions, such as carrying firearms to protect themselves, the liberal media has actually condemned those making preparation to protect themselves, labeling the gun wielding potential victims of this flash mob madness as being "vigilantes and dangerous."

We are told that in addition to stepping up enforcement at the local level, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will start to monitor social-media networks. But aren't the people demanding this kind of action by the government the same people that railed against this kind of monitoring as prescribed by the Patriot Act?

And there is a new strategy that will be added - television and radio stations recruiting music artists to make public service announcements imploring teenagers to end the violence.

The potential of these violent flash mobs, however, goes farther than what we are seeing. As with anything, the insidiousness is bound to progress into something else. Opportunists will take advantage, and make this worse.

The groups eyeing the effectiveness of flash mobs are the Islamists.

Recently, a poll shockingly revealed that black Americans that have converted to Islam hold favorable views of violent attacks in America.

In other words, the violence in America that some believe may be coming at the hand of Islam may not be perpetuated by the Muslims coming to America from Muslim nations, but largely by Americans that have converted to Islam.

According to a Pew Research poll, the most dangerous Muslims in America are black American converts.

The facts coming to the surface are of great concern because al Qaeda has been also stepping up its efforts to recruit Americans for violent terror against the Great Satan. For al Qaeda, this strategy makes sense partially because English speaking blacks have a better chance of slipping through security checkpoints, than do Muslims from the Middle East or Africa.

A growing number of black converts have been radicalized in prison or by jihadist websites, officials say.

Violence on the streets of America is not only promised by radical Muslims, but also by Marxists and anarchists who see the capitalist system in America as something that must be destroyed. The potential for violence from these groups, in fact, materialized yesterday as "A Day of Rage" campaign was organized to takeover Wall Street, and other symbols of the American financial system.

Though 20,000 people were expected to camp out and occupy Wall Street in an effort to bring down the system, less than a thousand showed up. Those that did show up, though they have been peaceful so far, were encouraged by a radical and violent concept of overthrowing the capitalist system.

Of course, this is no surprise, since even the progressively-minded mayor of New York City has been inciting violence by claiming that there will be violence in the streets if the economy doesn't create more jobs.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

The Violent Flash Mob Phenomenon - National Policy Institute

Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise - Fox News

Obama's Army Engages in Flash Mobs - and Concerned Citizens Are Accused For Daring to Want To Defend Themselves - Political Pistachio

Op-Ed: The man who monitors violent flash mobs - Digital Journal

Bastards of Entitlement: Flash Mob Attacks on the Rise - a12IggyMom's Blog

Mobs Are Born as Word Grows by Text Message - New York Times

Poll stunner: These American blacks OK with violent attacks - World Net Daily

Protesters begin 'Day of Rage' against capitalism - World Net Daily

Radical Rage: Marxist Mob Plans to Occupy Wall Street - FrontPageMag

Protesters Prepare to Occupy Wall Street - NY1

Mayor Bloomberg Predicts Riots in the Streets if Economy Doesn't Create More Jobs - New York Daily News

Protesters in NYC Blast Money in Politics - CBS News


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