
Obama in Los Angeles Meets Heckler

Monday, September 26, 2011
The heckler called Obama the anti-Christ. Hmmmm. No, I don't think so.

The interesting part of it all was the media response.

The news channel I was watching called the heckler a Tea Party person. . . as if he represents the entire movement. Sorry, news channel, if he is a Tea Party folk, he is in the minority.

Another called him a "Bible-Thumper".

Ahh, wow, censorship through ridicule. Just what the liberals wanted. Something to use against the Tea Party and the Christians, so that they can ridicule and ridicule and ridicule their opposition into silence.

My message to the heckler is simply, "Thanks for nothing."

Ahhh, but the "please raise my taxes" guy was the real laugher.

Jeez, the Leftists are idiots.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Heckler Calls Obama "The Antichrist" At LA Fundraiser - Real Clear Politics


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