

Thursday, September 15, 2011
by JASmius

That's the advice being hurled up at King Hussein from his uncontainably horrified rank & file supporters.

That's the good news.

The even better news? If False Messiah doesn't take their advice, he might get that long-pooh-poohed primary challenge after all:

The move to challenge President Barack Obama in a Democratic primary is growing stronger by the day with House members openly pushing the case for an internal party battle.

Representative Dennis Kucinich [D-Rubber Room], who ran for the Democratic nomination in both 2004 and 2008 told CNN a challenge to Obama would “make him a better president.

And Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio told The Hill that more and more Democrats believe that Obama needs to be challenged. “It’s a common refrain, and it’s certainly common in my district among Democrats,” he said. “They want the guy back that they voted for.”

DeFazio said there are many Democrats in the House who agree with him, but would not name names.

Even former Clinton adviser and Democratic strategist James Carville today called for the president to 'wake up' and 'panic.' Carville called on Obama to clean house, fire staff that's advising him and return to Democractic principles that got him elected.

You can almost pity these poor bastards - almost, that is. They want back the guy they voted for, when what they can't bring themselves to accept is that the guy with whom they're so thoroughly disenchanted IS the guy they voted for. Just as Barack Obama long ago succumbed to all the ludicrous hype that's surrounded him like a narcissistic fog for all these years, so the party he's dragging down to political hell with him drowned in it as well. They didn't vet him because they didn't WANT to vet him, and they didn't want him vetted PERIOD. He represented the last, best chance these elderly, olfactory-challenged flower children were ever going to get of realizing their Marxist-utopian dreams, and it never occurred to them to look where they were leaping.

Which, in turn makes the complaint that Red Barry has somehow strayed from "the Democrat principles that got him elected" even more hysterical than it sounds at first glance, because the man didn't run on "Democrat principles" in the first place. If he'd run on a platform of what he's actually done the past three years - running up five trillion additional dollars of debt with bupkis to show for it, imprisoning domestic energy production and exploration, foisting a permanent depression on the U.S. economy and selling it as "green jobs" and "Recovery Summer," sucking off Big Labor gangsters more furiously than any Paris Hilton internet video, ramming down a health care nationalization that the vast majority of Americans never wanted and still don't, etc., etc., etc. - he'd have lost all fifty-seven states to the pathetic old RINO quisling Darth Queeg and spent the past few years the same way he spent the preceding four: being chronically tardy to committee meetings, minus the perpetual presidential campaign.

The truth Dems don't want to face is that President Precious ran as a blank slate with a meaningless, gaseous slogan and a cult of overhyped cultish personality, heavily doused with a flood of pre-emptive racist intimidation and lightly garnished with contrived substance of gag-inducing mendacity. He tried to be nothing to all people so as to hide those "Democrat principles." THAT, and the preceding eight years of anti-Bush villification, got him elected. And the reason his presidency is cratering now is precisely because he has so aggressively and conspicuously exemplified and pursued those "Democrat principles" his tinfoil hat fever swamp base now accuse him of abandoning.

Even the notion of Obama "cleaning house" is inane. Even if he had the character to take enough responsibility for his mega-clusterbleep of a regime to scapegoat his underlings rather than fingerpoint at his political enemies, it would suggest that he was a vapid figurehead rather than the "some kind of a god" of his acolytes' idolatrous depiction. It would also imply that the rot didn't start at the proverbial head of the snake, which is an awfully difficult case to make given that virtually his entire original witless economic brain-dead-trust has long since fled to the tall grass of their own accord, and yet the White House's bankrupt economic policies never change, as the lastest Most Historic Speech Ever tiresomely reiterated.

What best symbolizes those "Democrat principles that got him elected" according to Serpenthead? A Wall Steet Kristellnacht:
Carville also wants Eric Holder to start indicting people on Wall Street, and if he doesn’t, advises Obama to can him. That’s about as blatant a call for politicizing prosecutions in the US as I’ve ever heard, and it’s utterly shameful. Does anyone believe that Holder’s DoJ wouldn’t have gladly indicted people on Wall Street if the career prosecutors who make the cases think they could sustain a conviction? Telling a President to get indictments issued in order to save his political skin regardless of whether actual criminal wrongdoing could be proven would put Obama in position to be impeached, not winning a second term. Besides, thanks to Operation Fast and Furious and now Solyndra, Holder has more to worry about indictments coming against officials in the executive branch — including, perhaps, himself.

Anyone recall when politicizing the DoJ was bad? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

You know what they say, my friends: Desperation makes honest men of us all. Indeed, this is proving to be justice most poetic; the Messiah, the Twelfth Liberal Imam, the Light-Bringer, the demigod who was going to cool the planet, lower the seas, and usher in socialist heaven on Earth, has so thoroughly screwed up the country and so throughly de-pansed the carefully cultivated facade of Democrat "fighting for the little guy" populism and so indellibly turned the party of Jefferson and Madison into the party of Marx and Alinsky in the public consciousness that 2012 is shaping up for Donks to be what the 1932 election was for the GOP: a complete political and electoral disaster that will denude them to irrelevant rump party status for a generation or more.

And after it happens, he'll blame them and they'll blame him, and on the same spurious grounds: that they "compromised too much" and "weren't liberal enough." Proving once and for all how much Barack Obama and the Democrat party truly deserve each other.

The moral of the story? "If only we'd listened to the Weathermen!"

Next time, they will, gentles. Count on it.

[cross-posted @ Hard Starboard]


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