
Egypt Riots Target Christians

Monday, October 10, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

We were told the Muslim Brotherhood was not behind the Arab Spring, and we were told that all these people wanted was freedom and democracy. What we were told was wrong on both counts. Islamism has overtaken Egypt, and now they have turned on the Christian minority in the country.

Cairo is on fire. First there was an attack on a Christian church. Now the Christians are being drawn into violence in the streets where 24 people have been killed and more than 200 injured.

The flying firebombs and rocks literally turned to the tearing up pavement for ammunition for throwing things.

After midnight, mobs roamed downtown streets, attacking cars they suspected had Christian passengers.

The aim, now that Islamism has full hold of the country, is to first drive all Christians out, and then join their jihadist comrades in seeking the destruction of Israel, and all other non-Muslim societies.

The Christians in Egypt only make up 10 percent of the country's population. The Christians have complained that the ruling military council is doing little to quell anti-Christian attacks.

Islamism had no intent to create a modern state based on democratic principles. Islam is not capable of such. The ideology demands that the Muslims that follow the ideology be slaves to a barbaric dark age mentality built on hate and violence. Unity with the Christians will not be achieved. Islam will never allow such.

Note: The liberal media has been reporting this news in a manner that blames it all on the Christians, saying that they started the riot by protesting an attack on a Christian Church. The dead are Christians. A military vehicle was driven into a crowd of Christians, and they live in a nation full of people that is a part of an ideology just looking for an excuse to behead Christians. Is the liberal press that gullible? Or is it that they hate Christianity that much? Or perhaps it is that they just don't want to report in a manner that would be considered offensive to those peaceful Muslims? Or else there might be a violent Islamic response.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


Egypt: Muslim thugs, military attack Christian protesters, 19 dead - Jihad Watch


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