
Podcast for Saturday's Constitution Speaker discussion with author Stephen Gallup "What About The Boy?" available

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Constitutional Speaker on KCAA Sat, Oct 1, 2011

Did you miss yesterday's episode of Constitution Speaker Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs on the Political Pistachio Radio Network? It was an incredible show that you need to hear. Stephen Gallup joined us to talk about his very personal story regarding his brain-injured child, and the struggles he and his wife went through to ensure Joseph was given a fighting chance to develop. . .

"Nobody knew what hurt little Joseph, and no one was offering a way to help him. He cried most of the time, and thrashed about as if in pain. He wasn't learning how to crawl, talk, or interact normally. Doctors told his parents to seek counseling, because nothing could help their son, and the quality of their own lives was at risk. Refusal to accept that advice changed their lives forever. WHAT ABOUT THE BOY? A Father's Pledge to His Disabled Son chronicles a family's rejection of hopelessness and their commitment to the pursuit of normalcy."

What About The Boy? by Mr. Gallup is phenomenal. It is an incredible story about how the Gallup family's life had changed so drastically over the years as the challenges regarding little Joseph kept piling up.

Listen to the show, and buy the book.

Also, after the interview, JASmius joined me for the 5 Big Stories of the Week, and I wrapped things up with today's Nuts and Nuggets.

Big 5 Stories of the Week, October 1, 2011

5. As Greece Teeters, the Free Loaders Strike and Protest

4. Obama Jobs Bill Can't Get By Democrats in U.S. Senate

3. Debit Card Fees On The Rise, Thanks To Liberal Democrats

2. al-Qaida-linked cleric al-Awlaki Dead?

1. U.S. Stands Against Palestinian statehood bid at U.N.


Nuts and Nuggets

Nut: “If corporate jets just paid a $100 fee every time it took off or landed in America, that would raise $11.5 billion,” Vice President Joe Biden. . . To raise that kind of money it would take over 300,000 take offs per day for the entire year to raise $11.5 billion.

Nugget: Appearing on Simon Conway’s radio show on WHO NEWSRADIO 1040 in Des Moines, Iowa, Michelle Bachman said: “President Bachmann will build the border fence while also vowing to investigate the seemingly excessive convictions of some border agents.”


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