
Occupy Wall Street: Marxist Revolution Actually a Disorganized Sponsored Joke

Saturday, October 8, 2011
By Douglas V. Gibbs

The weeks long Occupy Wall Street event, which the liberal media is trying to convince you that it is spreading infectiously across America, is a disjointed Marxist protest comprised of a bunch of confused unemployed leftists that is really more of a protest in search of a cause than anything. Reports are coming in that democrat party supporting groups are paying protesters, as Biden and Obama give the ol' wink and a nod in support of the "Tea Party" wannabes. They have been violent, filthy, and racist - everything the liberals accused the Tea Party of being, but wasn't.

The liberal left never understood the Tea Party, but they realized it was a danger to their big government ideology, so they did all they could to trash it - and faced with all of those attacks, the Tea Party became stronger, and was the primary force behind the landslide victory in Election 2010. The leftist democrats see 2012 becoming something even worse for them than the 2010 election, where they could lose the Senate, and Obama will lose the White House in an incredible landslide.

The liberal left media will tell you that the Occupy protests are spreading across America, and that the number of people out there is incredible. When you take the images of the Occupy protests, and compare them to the Tea Party rallies and the recent 9/12 Tea Party event in Washington, the only thing that the big government Occupy pukes have on the Tea Party is 700 arrests. . . The Tea Party have had no arrests, no violence, and pick up after themselves after they are done.

If you asked Tea Party folk why they were there, they could tell you, too. Out of control government spending, high taxes, big government and an unconstitutional government got them there, and their solutions are a reduction in government spending, a reduction in taxes across the board (which is proven to invigorate economies), reducing the size of government to only the authorities granted by the Constitution, and backing conservative Republican candidates in upcoming elections. But, if you ask the Occupy Wall Street people why they are protesting, their answers are like, "Well, we hate the banks! Punish the banks!"

One organizer even admitted that contrary to the media's reports, this is not an organic event. "Yep, yep, I -- I -- I'll have to tell you, some people here are paid. I'm not gonna identify 'em for you, but they are."

The Tea Party was spontaneous, and grew to become a huge force in politics. This collection of whining marxists who don't even have jobs to go to, and are out there asking for freebies, is a joke that is essentially sponsored by the democrats and liberal groups. It is small, and paid for.

Everything the Left falsely accused the Tea Party of being the Occupy protests are guilty of.

The liberals can't figure it out because they don't understand anything beyond collectivism. They hate the Tea Party with hatred that is beyond belief. That hate it because the Tea Party truly is organic, leaderless, spontaneous, and real. It's populated by people who have never before done anything like what they're doin. They show up at town hall meetings, and join together at these fantastic events (and pick up after themselves when they leave).

The Tea Party is "truth" in a manner the liberal left will never be able to understand unless they cross over from the dark side.

The Tea Party is about individualism, while the Occupy group is about collectivism. Each member of the Tea Party is a self-reliant, personally responsible individual. They refuse to be a part of the democrat party's collectivist vision for America. They refuse to just go along with government oppression. And the democrats hate them for it. The liberal left democrats have fire spitting hate for anyone that dares to oppose them, and the fact that the Tea Party doesn't portray hate back drives them nuts. The Tea Party folks are happy, smiling, loving individuals who just want to turn America back into what it was founded to be.

The Tea Party is a confusing thing to the liberals - and they hate the Tea Party for it.

So, now in the hopes of recreating a Tea Party type thing with the Occupy Wall Street group, the Left is failing badly at it because you can't recreate the Tea Party with collectivism, sponsorship, and finger-pointing leaders. It doesn't work. Liberty is about the choice of individuals. . . individualism.

Like the liberal left, the Occupy protests are a big joke that is doing nothing but leaving folks like me laughing at them.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Occupy DC Organizer Admits to Paying Protesters - DC Caller

VP Biden Empathizes with anti-Wall Street Protests - Press Pass, MSNBC

White House Feeds Off Protest Anger - Financial Times

NYPD Clashes with Protesters - The Daily Beast

The Dark Side of the Occupy Wall Street Protests - National Review Online

Owners of Zuccotti Park Say Conditions Unsanitary From Wall Street Protests - Fox News


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