
Catch Me If You Know How on Constitution Speaker Radio, KCAA 1050 AM

Monday, August 22, 2011

What you missed yesterday on my KCAA 1050 AM Constitution Speaker Radio Program:



Constitutional Speaker on KCAA Sun, Aug 21, 2011

What does the Constitution Say about Immigration?

Interview of Travis Morgan in studio regarding his book about Computer Forensics: Catch Me If You Know How.

5 big stories of the weekend

5. The Cost of Energy, The Shutdown of Energy, EPA Lowers Hammer as EPA Draws Harsh Criticism

Utilities warn of higher rates because of pollution rules

Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns

Energy Prices on the Rise

New EPA rule could lead to rolling blackouts in Texas, PUC chairwoman says

Bashing E.P.A. Is New Theme in G.O.P. Race (notice the premise in the article. Jeesh)

Obama in 2008: Obama: I'll Bankrupt Coal Industry; Your Energy Prices Will Skyrocket

4. Costco Removes Electric Vehicle Chargers. . . Because of lack of usage

3. Crisis in North Africa: Egypt, Libya

Nations Race to Defuse Crisis Between Egypt and Israel

The man that removed the Israeli flag from Israel Embassy in Egypt - #FlagMan

Egyptian 'spiderman' becomes hero with Israel flag protest

Libyan Rebels Say They Are Attacking Tripoli

Libya Rebels Try to Reach Tripoli and Aid Revolt

Libya Calls for Ceasefire as Rebels Advance

2. General Motors Stock Experiences Record Drop

1. Dollar Plunges to Record Low Against The Yen


Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: Vice President Joe Biden: "So our interest is not just to protect Chinese investment. We have an overarching interest in protecting the investment, while the United States has never defaulted and never will default." - He’s not a nut for saying it on face value. He’s a nut because just a matter of weeks ago he was claiming we would default if the debt ceiling was not raised. Either, he was lying then, or he’s lying now.

Nut: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg: “That’s the single biggest thing that the president could do with Congress, is open up the borders to those that will create jobs here. Immigrants don’t take away jobs but rather they create jobs for people already living in the United States.” - Illegal immigration is costing us Trillions. Opening the borders would be disastrous. The people who are coming across the border are not high skilled workers. They are low skilled workers, who do not create wealth. Opening the borders would open the floodgates, and the massive number of illegals coming across the border would further displace American workers, because they will be paid less that what Americans will work for.

Nut: Jon Huntsman, Moderate GOP Presidential Candidate: "We've had so much hope and hype in politics the last little while. We've found ourselves at the extreme ends of the political spectrum. And people are crying out for us to get back to some level of sensibility." - If last November told us anything, it is that the American People want to get as far away from the extreme of Obama as possible. The Tea Party, for example, is calling for a return to the Constitution, which is not extreme right, if you look at it from the Founding Father’s point of view. In 1787, the Constitution was dead center. Therefore, Huntsman is saying that his leftist views are somehow acceptable, but the Constitution is radical and extreme.

Nugget: Sarah Palin in video released since Iowa State Fair and GOP Straw Poll: “I think we’re seeing a great awakening of the American public.” The voters of last November have not forgotten, and haven’t changed their mind. I agree with Palin. The voters are more informed, more engaged, and as a result there is indeed a great awakening.


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