
If the Rich Get Richer, So Do We

Sunday, August 21, 2011

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The liberal left believes that wealth is finite. They don't believe wealth is created. They believe that if someone gets rich at the top, somewhere at the bottom someone's life gets worse. That is why they say that the "fat cats" got rich on the backs of the poor.

It is all a lie.

In fact, I not only don't mind those fat cats getting rich. . . I want them to do even better!

As for them paying more taxes? They already pay most of the taxes! If you want somebody to pay their fair share, how about the over forty percent of Americans that don't pay taxes at all? How about those who suck off the system, but never put a penny back in? How about we spend less as a government, and get those entitlement folks to work so that they can get rich too?

This is a capitalist society where the free market reigns, and profit is a key motivator. People become rich without having to be a part of a powerful governmental regime, a monarchy, or a criminal. Here, in America, the rich often used to be just like you and me. The rich are simply people who decided to produce a lot!

In America, we are all created equally in the eyes of God, and the law. The rich, therefore, does not get special privileges. They simply have done well, and get what they deserve. They took a risk, or did something nobody else was willing, or able, to do, or they pursued a passion and it really worked out well for them.

The producers that receive wealth for their success are the ones that build the economy, create innovation, and employ people. When the rich get richer, more people become rich, inflation drops, interest rates drop, and the unemployment rate drops. Oh, and because there are more millionaires in such a scenario, revenue increases (especially when the taxes are cut, and it encourages more production).

Wealth is created. Then when wealth is created, more wealth is created through growing whatever it was that created the wealth in the first place. When the wealthy get more wealthy, the gain more wealth through investment. To grow their wealth to even higher levels, the producer finds out they need help, so he/she hires employees, which means the wealth that the wealthy are creating works its way to others as well. And as they produce, and others produce, and it grows the economy through a thriving free market, it encourages more people to invest aggressively and become rich too! And through all of that production more consumerism ensues, more innovative technologies are produced, credit is extended, and more people have access to bigger investments (like homes, cars, etc.).

We also have to take into consideration the parts of the system the rich use. For example: those private jets Obama rails against so much employ mechanics, pilots, airport personnel, and the workers that manufacture the planes and the parts for the planes. If the rich were to quit flying their fancy jets as Obama has suggested, it would merely add to the number of unemployed, and slow down the economy ever further.

Over taxing and hammering on the rich will hurt all of us. When they are deterred from becoming richer, it takes away jobs, reduces the number of products in the market, and the overall economic stability of the nation. We need them to get rich, and richer, because it makes all of us richer. Wealth is created, not redistributed. When you redistribute wealth, it destroys economies. It always has, and it always will. That is what killed the Soviet Union.

Let's all get rich. That is what America is about. We all have the opportunity if we want it bad enough. Even the slaves on entitlements can work their way out of government dependency, and into self-reliance, and ultimately a bundle of riches.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


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