
Don't Get It Twisted Black Folks. Obama Never Promised You Anything!

Thursday, August 25, 2011
By Ted Hayes,

Hold up Black People, while you are jumping on and condemning Obama for not giving you jobs.

Why are you, African-Americans (A-A’s) mad at Obama for not doing anything “special” for Black people?

He never promised to help us, but rather plainly said on numerous occasion before and after his election, that as the First African-America “Black” President, he would not treat us special, but rather as his Presidency would cause the “waters” to rise, the “boats” of Blacks would go up with everyone else’s.

However, he did promise Hispanic/Latino, illegal aliens that he would be their greatest activist ever, and he is proving it. (Ha-ha-ha-haaaa. Do we hear laughter?)

Blacks Bamboozled Again

Black people need not be mad at Obama and the Democrats, but rather be angry with themselves and their leadership their own bamboozling self-deception.

It is time that the African American intelligentsia admit that the elite club is confused and don’t know, nor ever have known what do about the horrific plight of Blacks, which is why they have consistently made the proverbial White man the villain.

Sad as it may be in reality, it is somewhat funny to behold these same Obama lovers now hate him.

They hatred stems from the fact they criticized the man for something he legitimately has not done wrong, but rather keeping a significantly telling promise.

Obama, did not offend the Black community. The Black community offended itself.

It is a surprise to me that I would find myself actually defending Obama, but the point is poignantly true, that in disobeying the admonishment of Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. they got just what we deserved. Didn’t King say something about skin color?

As it has become more apparent as to who this man is and is not, folks such Cornell West, Tavis Smiley and Maxine Waters are trying to make their way back from their great mistake in 2008 of leading, beleaguered, sick, crazed, hopeless Blacks to embrace the imposter son of the slaves to the first African American President.

Now certain in the African American intelligentsia are turning on their Black prince-messiah for not helping Black people, especially in this horrible economic era.

In fairness to Obama, the man never once promise promised to anything special for Black folks, rightly and properly known as American Black US citizens.

He Faithfully Warned Us Black Many Times

On numerous occasions before and after the 2008 election, while promising everything for the illegal aliens who are also, like everyone else in the world are stealing Blacks Civil Rights benefits, Mr. Obama repeatedly said, that though he may be the first African American US President, they were not going to get anything special from them. Bam! In yo face, homie!

Just as he said that as President, he would fundamentally change America and has kept his promise, the same is true of him proclaiming a non-willingness to do anything special for African Americans, despite their 99% support of him to be elected.

He never lied to Black peoples! He did not overtly make himself the first African American “Black” US President. Obama did not make himself a pseudo son of the slaves! Black people did that.

Black Enough? He Ain’t Even Black!

Remember, prior to the big endorsement that he initially received from the Iowa Caucus and later the New Hampshire Primary, Blacks were skeptical, including the African American leaders-intelligentsia questioning his “Blackness” asking, “Is he Black enough”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

In fact, when he was in the Illinois legislature, he was such a stranger to his African American colleagues there that they referred to the Kenyan with the funny name, son of a White woman, as “The African down the hall”!

It is clear, that the first African American “Black” President moniker, was actually foisted upon him by Blacks, he did not initiate the deliberate self-deception.

Though Obama did not initiate the title, he and the Democrat strategist no doubt were prepared and thrilled to take the coronation from the Blacks knowing their gullibility.

Remember, Blacks via the Congressional Black Caucus named Bill Clinton the “First African-American” President, first, before their ever was a brown skinned, therefore black Obama on the scene.

Not only did the African-American intelligentsia stand him upon the shoulders of the Civil Rights legacy heroes, but they even made the son of Muslims equal to, if not greater than Martin Luther King, Jr. inheriting his mantle.

The KKK Connection

Essentially, honest research reveals that the First African-American “Black” President is actually a White man with a genetic tan, and as leader of the Democratic Party, the Party of Slavery, the greatest Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, covered in a brown skin sheet and hood. What can you expect?

So for all these African-American leaders now attacking him for not helping us, are frankly wrong, because Obama never promised Blacks anything, but rather have chided and rebuked us.

However, to the chagrin of the complainers, he did promise Hispanic-Latino illegal aliens amnesty and low and behold, he is working extremely hard to fulfill it.

That is another discussion that we shall have later!


Ted Hayes is a Conservative Activist for American Patriotism.

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