
Rick Perry, The Tea Party Front Runner That Isn't

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
by Douglas V. Gibbs

One of the complaints by conservatives in the 2008 election is they felt like the media, the establishment, and even the liberal left, had more to do with choosing McCain as the GOP candidate than did the voters. Yes, it was the voters that enabled him to win the primaries, but the gullible voters voted for him because the media/establishment convinced them he was the best choice.

They are at it again.

Gallup has a poll out that says among Tea Party folk Rick Perry is the favorite.

Excuse me? If that isn't a big flocking lie, I don't know what is.

Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, and just about every other Tea Party group I am in touch with, has Michelle Bachmann as the Tea Party favorite. Rick Perry is a neo-con that once, as a Democrat, was a part of the Gore team. He is an open borders guy, and the job creation magic in Texas was due to the conservative legislature (despite Perry's votes in opposition).

Sure, some of those knuckleheads out there love Perry. Many of these folks are the same people that liked Trump.

Pay attention, get informed, and understand that Rick Perry, though better than Obama, is among the worst GOP candidates. Romney and Perry are moderates, and that is not what we need, or want.

And don't believe the lies by the Left, as they try to convince you that the Tea Party just loves Rick Perry.

Research, and realize that Perry's record does not match is conservative rhetoric.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Rick Perry: The (tea party) frontrunner - Washington Post


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