
Progressive Hypocrisy - Where did the anti-war zealots go?

Friday, August 26, 2011
When George Bush invaded Iraq, anti-war zealots hit the streets raising forty-leven kinds of hell: “Bush lied; people died,” rang across the land. Bush acted on intelligence gathered and agreed to by the U.N., Great Britain, and virtually all U.S. allies. Bush obtained approval from Congress to take whatever action he deemed necessary. He tried, in vain, to get U.N. approval. He set a time and date. He invaded. And, the Progressive anti-war zealots went crazy.

When Barack Obama invaded Libya, the anti-war zealots were non- existent. Obama had no intelligence suggesting that Libya was a threat to the U.S. He did not bother to even ask for approval from Congress as is required by the War Powers Act. He told no one; he just unleashed millions of dollars of bombs and missiles on a tiny country that could not possibly do us harm. The anti-war Progressives looked the other way, and said nothing.

Obama said he was acting in response to the U.N., that the action would be a matter of days, not weeks. That was six months ago, and the U.S. is still involved. Obama lied; people died, and the Progressive anti-war zealots said nothing.

Read the Rest at GOP USA


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