
U.S. Day of Rage Planned for Constitution Day

Monday, August 22, 2011

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The American Marxists are prepared to do what they can to topple our capitalist system, and they plan to do it by hitting Wall Street. They want a collapse so that a socialist system can rise from the ashes. Apparently, the Democrats are not moving fast enough with their pro-communist policies.

The liberal democrats have been laying the groundwork for something like the Day of Rage, regulating heavily "the producers" in our American system while also granting preferential treatment to some corporations through waivers, and bail outs.

The institutions not willing to play ball have been targeted, demonized, and called a number of things including "fat cats" and "greedy" in an effort to silence them and turn the public against them through ridicule and personal destruction.

The Marxists are ready to go into motion. They plan to follow the advice of the more radical voices, like Van Jones, and create a communist revolution designed to topple the American Free Market system, and replace it with a socialist system already put into motion by the democrat party.

A “U.S. Day of Rage” is scheduled to start an “Occupy Wall Street” camp-out on September 17, 2011. Interestingly enough, that is also Constitution Day. Coincidence?

The leftists hope this will become like the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East and North Africa. Do they not understand history? Do they not recognize how these systems become slavery against the people, ruled by a totalitarian political elite who value power more than what is best for the people?

Liberalism fails wherever it is tried, so why would liberalism on steroids (a.k.a. socialism/communism) fare any better?

Like in the Middle East, North Africa, and the attempt at anarchy in London, the social media will serve as the tool to organize and fuel this madness.

A Marxist Revolution is planned. If they succeed in their aim, it may be only the 2nd Amendment that saves this country.

I don't want blood in the streets, but it seems the hard left is determined to make that a reality.

Obama, the socialist (member of the New Party at one time - if not still), is no doubt looking forward to the coming crisis. . . after all, he believes that a good crisis will allow him to do more, to do things he couldn't do otherwise, to gain unrestrained power that will make the democrats the rulers over an unsuspecting, uninformed, foolish electorate.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Final: ‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist) - Gulag Bound

New Party - Discover the Networks dot org

Wall Street targeted for Britain-style riots: 'Day of rage' aims to 'bring down the stock market' - World Net Daily


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