
Podcast of Constitution Speaker Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs

Saturday, August 20, 2011



Constitutional Speaker on KCAA Sat, Aug 20, 2011

What you missed. . . Notes and Sources:

The Constitution and the Department of Transportation - Answering Richard from Riverside (who calls in near the end of the program!)

5 big stories of the week

Honorable Mention: Doug and Virginia’s 27th Wedding Anniversary.

5. Netherlands Abandons Multiculturalism

4. Islamic Jihad Threatens David Letterman

3. Economist Paul Krugman: Space Aliens Needed to Save Economy

2. Obama’s Marxist Power Grab Over Farmers

1. Wave of Violence Rolls Across Middle East

U.S. and Allies Say Syria Leader Must Step Down

Syria condemns US and European calls for Assad to step down, say they are part of conspiracy

Turkish jets strike PKK targets in Iraq for 3rd day

30 rockets strike Israel day after coordinated terror attacks kill 8


Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: Obama during a town hall forum in Cannon Falls, Minn.: “You can’t just make money on SUVs and trucks. There is a place for SUVs and trucks, but as gas prices keep on going up, you have got to understand the market. People are going to try to save money.” The president said his administration “turned around” the U.S. auto industry and is calling on automakers to change the way they do business.

Obama says this because he doesn't understand the market. Trucks and SUVs are the top sellers, and the auto industry will make what sells. People aren't going to spend an extra ten to twenty thousand bucks on a car just so they can save gas. If they are trying to save money, they are going to buy the less expensive vehicle, and one that can carry their whole family, or their stuff from the do-it-yourself store (SUV or Truck). Sure, a lot of the smaller cars will sell to the single person, college kid, or retired folk, but for the most part, Barry's green cars don't sell for squat. They are too expensive, too small, and too weak (I'd like to see a Volt pull a trailer of some kind. . . any kind). Last month only 125 Chevy Volts sold. That's less than three per State. Hey, Obama, you have got to understand the market. The market does not do what the government tells it to do. A free market system does not work the way you think.

Man, it is like talking to a Marxist brick wall.

Nugget: Christine O‘Donnell in response to walking off Piers Morgan television show: She told Washington DC’s Fox affiliate, FOX 5: "I was not there to talk about sex--and he would not stop trying to talk about sex”

“You know, I'm not a 20-year-old on MTV right now," she told Fox, "so let's get back to the political issues that I lay out in the book--and he wouldn't let up."

"Why are you being so weird about this?" Morgan asked O'Donnell on the show.

"I'm not being weird about this, Piers," she replied. "I'm not running for office, I'm not promoting a legislative agenda, I'm promoting the policies that I lay out in the book, that are mostly fiscal, that are mostly constitutional. That's why I agreed to come on your show, that's what I wanna talk about. I'm not being weird, you're being a little rude."

"I think I'm being rather charming and respectful," Morgan countered. "I'm just asking you questions based on your own public statements, and now what you've written in your own book."

O'Donnell wasn't having it. She was waved off set by a handler while someone stood in front of the camera to block the shot: "I was supposed to be speaking at the Republican Women's Club at six o'clock and I chose to be a little late for that, not to endure rude talk show hosts, but to talk to you about my book."

But by the time O'Donnell got to her next promotional stop, the Morgan episode had already preceded her. When she turned up belatedly at the Women's National Republican Club, she was accosted by a reporter from the New York Observer curious about why she had stormed out of the CNN studios.

"We were late for this, and he wasn't ending, and we were going, 'Wrap up, wrap up!' He was late and he wasn't ending," she explained. "He's looking for ratings. He's looking for ratings. He was being rude, and I said, 'Piers, I gotta go!' You know, I'm late already! He's looking for ratings, and trying to stir up a controversy."

"It was a bit extraordinary actually," Piers Morgan later told fellow CNN anchor Anderson Cooper Wednesday night. "Because I thought I was being my normal chivalrous self. And then she suddenly took huge umbrage, declared I was being rude and walked out."

Remember, these are the same liberals that laughed like Middle School kids over calling the Tea Party members a bunch of "tea baggers." Christine should have known liberal commentators like Piers Morgan are douche bags, and shouldn't even have considered going on the show.


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