
Weekend Radio Shows: From Wild Wall Street to Rising Health Care Costs

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Constitution Speaker on KCAA Sat, Aug 27, 2011

Guest: Bob Rinear, Invest Yourself dot com

5 big stories of the week - August 27, 2011

5. Google Pays off Government $500 Million to Keep Federal Government From Charging them with Knowingly Posting Illegal Canadian Pharmacy Advertisements

4. 5.8 Earthquake Strikes East Coast

3. Steve Jobs Steps Down as CEO of Apple

2. Gadhafi Defeated, Rebels Occupy His Compound in Tripoli

How do you spell his name? Jeez!

Rebels fight Loyalists in Tripoli

1. Hurricane Irene and the Great Media Hype


Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: Representative Maxine Waters: “The Tea Party can go straight to Hell.”

Nugget: Jered Weaver of the Angels of Anaheim in press conference after media person offers that he left money on the table in his new 5 year extension to his contract with the Angels: “How much more do you possibly need?” Weaver asked, drawing a huge roar from the assembled fans. “I’ve never played this game for money purposes. I play for love and championships.

“If ($85 million) is not enough to take care of my family and other generations of family, then I’m pretty stupid.”




Constitution Speaker on KCAA Sun, Aug 28, 2011

Rising Health Costs with Bob Fredericks of Fredericks Benefits

5 big stories of the weekend

5. NYC Mayor Bloomberg: No Prayer at New York 9/11 Memorial

4. Mexican Troops and Federal Agents Raid Casinos After Arson Attack

. . . and the Mexican President says it's all the fault of the U.S.

3. Federal Agents Shut Down Gibson Guitars

2. Irene Slams Into New York, Obama Declares State of Emergency in 9 States, D.C., and Puerto Rico

Storm Irene Massive Flooding

New York City Transit Shut Down by Storm - First Time Ever!

After dire forecast, Irene falls short of the doomsday Predictions - Yes, there has been flooding, and some damage, but. . .

Little Damage Seen

Irene Packs Little Wallop

1. 150 Bodies found in Libya, Gadhafi rumored to be in Zimbabwe


Nuts and Nuggets:

Nut: Gore: Global warming skeptics are this generation’s racists

Nugget: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with Mark Belling: As a state we are doing well. We've gone from a $3.6 B deficit to a $300 M surplus. Wauwatosa public schools, where my two sons go, have improved their outlook. Basically, all WI schools are doing better by saving money due to reforms. They're now hiring more teachers, lowering classroom size, since they don't have to have this collective bargaining. Collective bargaining is not a right but an expensive entitlement. Now, teachers are hired or fired on merit, not on tenure or seniority.

The WEA trust- union run health plan- is now saving HUGE amounts due to there being no collective bargaining. We have, literally, example after example. This saved money is able to go back to the classroom.

Republicans have to stay on point and be positive! Don't be frustrated, make your point over and over and over, how you'll make it work. Stay on point! Don't lash out! Our candidates got outspent 3-1 in the recalls but we stayed on point. Mitch Daniels did the same thing in IN and the voters re-elected him. Results matter!


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